#Daily farm

Moving bricks and mountain provides me daily physical exertion. As long as the body is tired, the brain will flow along with the sand.

#Plastic basket

It was lying in the garbage. I installed it on a broken cart to move the bricks but there attached a yellow paper written down "BALLOONS". It was heavy and ironic so I tore it down.

It has been hanging in the shower room. Maybe someone is using it, so I dare not to use. Six days have passed, it’s still there so I took it and developed it.

#"Green Island"
Moved to Hung Hom in 1898 and turned into a commercial and industrial building, Green Island Cement ComPany Limited was a cement factory established in 1887 in Macau. As the holder of the company, Cheung Kong Limited relocated the plant to Tap Shek Kok in Tuen Mun, leaving only a substation and a short and narrow street called Tsing Chau (Green Island) Street.
它給我提供每日必須的體力勞累,任務包括搬磚和移山,只要身體夠累的話,腦子就可以跟著泥沙一起嘩啦啦地流走 。



1887年在澳門青洲創立的水泥廠,名為青洲英坭公司。1898年遷至紅磡,後來改建成紅磡商業中心和工業大廈。/長江實業增持青洲英坭的股權,並將該廠搬往屯門踏石角,現在只留下一條短而窄的青州街,和一座以「青洲英泥」為名的變電站 。
Chapter001.Daily Farm / 日常農莊
Cement Powder, Trailer, Plastic Basket, Carpet
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Chapter001_Daily Farm
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