Trash Bin Office, 2021
Tianyi Zheng
On-site behaviour for 14 days, trash from the shop, installation.
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"You throw a piece away every day, I make a work every day". People bring their unwanted objects here, trying to give
them a second chance. Then, the shop makes its own selection: some of the items go to the shelves, the rest to the bin. Trash Bin Office is here to give a third chance to the rejected ones. Through their labour, the artist works with the residue of consumerism and shows the process in one corner of the shop. A trash bin is a place that holds rubbish until it is collected. We want the unwanted! Be our collector today!
Stay in the shop every day for a few hours, I worked with the trash from the shop and talked with some customers/audiences.
Some questions are raised:
What is the value of an object?
How does the shop(staff) decide what is(not) the trash?
What factors influence the decision?
A fan with a broken blade fixed by the parts from a windmill paper craft. The function is another concern when they throw things.
Badminton (old and used). They still have the price tags on when I found them in the trash bin. A whole bag of toys is trashed because no one wants them. “Maybe it’s because of the trend, “ an audience said. “Things became unwanted because it’s not trendy anymore?”
The puzzle lost a piece, but I can cut that missing part out of the box and make it complete. Later it was collected by one of the audience for 1 euro
The photo of me sitting in the trash container (with a frame from the shop, repacked with the package and price tag) disappeared after 7 days.
Did someone buy it?
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